Somatic Experiencing (SE™)

SE integrates the body, nervous system, mind, and emotions through a process including talk therapy, sensory tracking, and imagination. Somatic Experiencing is a mind-body modality that works directly with the nervous system to relieve and resolve symptoms of trauma. It was developed by Peter A. Levine, PhD to address the effects of trauma. 

Levine developed this approach after observing that prey animals, whose lives are routinely threatened in the wild, are able to recover readily by physically releasing the energy they accumulate during stressful events. Humans, on the other hand, often override these natural ways of regulating the nervous system with feelings of shame and pervasive thoughts, judgments, and fears. Somatic Experiencing aims to help people move past the place where they might be “stuck” in processing a traumatic event.

high-vibe health + healing

Embodied healing & GROWTH

The SE trauma resolution method does not require the traumatized person to re-tell or re-live the traumatic event. Instead, it offers the opportunity to engage, complete, and resolve—in a slow and supported way—the body’s instinctual fight, flight and freeze responses. This resets the nervous system, restores inner balance, enhances resilience to stress, and increases people’s vitality, equanimity, and capacity to actively engage in life. SE integrates the body, nervous system, mind, and emotions through a process including talk therapy, sensory tracking, and imagination.

Learn more on a call with me

Embodied Life Design

When we take care of ourselves, we're able to show up fully in our work, family, relationships, and community. All of these pieces make up our day-to-day lives, and influence our wellbeing. Trying to balance a healthy lifestyle, while also tending to a trauma or stressful life event can be daunting - and then try navigating a career on top of that!

By incorporating design thinking principles with somatic coaching practices, together we'll uncover and design a life and career that is fulfilling, balanced, and also sustainable.



“Having a coach was a complete game changer this year! In a world that is already so fast paced, having someone remind you of your accomplishments, goals, and struggles is so incredibly helpful. Through our sessions, I was encouraged to continue working strategies showing positive results, while also given advice to improve parts of my life that still needed some attention.”  - Kristen B

"Complete Game-Changer"

"Maria gave me great tools to help me on my way back to health and was always excited when I gave her my positive updates. Her personal experience and her desire to help everyone find wellness according to what is best for them is what will keep me coming back to Maria for help any time I find myself off track." - Nikki D

"Keep Coming Back"

You will love working with Maria! She is such a sweet soul and is so understanding and loving. She cultivates a space of safety and warmth. You will carry what you learn in this program after the 6 weeks and you will see the transformation - I promise! - Jessica E

Safety & Warmth